Monday, May 13, 2013

5 Signs You May Have Been Living in Dubai Too Long

1. When driving Piper to pre school she asks from the back seat "why are you driving me to school? Why don't we have a driver like the other kids?" Umm ok.... not sure this family of 3 needs a full-time nanny and driver!

2. When you realise you just got pissed off because Starbucks wouldn't answer the phone and you actually have to take the two minutes to get out of your car and collect your own drink on the way to work 

3. When after driving around the mall car park looking for a parking space for less than two minutes Piper comments "can't we just valet it Mum?"  (You can practically valet park anywhere in Dubai including the hospital, which actually comes in handy when you are rushing your Dad to emergency with a broken sternum from a roller coaster ride!)

4. When you turn up to a 4 year olds Pirate themed birthday party and you are genuinely surprised it is being hosted at a 5 star hotel and not on a private yacht

5. When it's 38 degrees outside and you declare it is still cool enough to dine outdoors but summer will be here soon

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