Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Ballet Concert

Unfortunately we have not yet received our official concert video or photographs (cameras were banned during the concert) but below I have attached a sneaky couple we took of Piper the Mermaid during the concert and some post concert photos.

All my worries about Piper (the youngest in her class) getting stage fright on the day were a waste of my energy..... she loved it! So much so she refused to leave the stage at the end of her performance and had to be dragged off by her teacher.
Then 3 songs later she popped back out on the side of the stage during the older children's performance for a little solo dance which was highly entertaining before once again her teacher had to drag her from the stage. Hopefully this was caught on the official video which we will post soon.

Stay tuned for more Ballet tales. Although official ballet class has ended for the summer Piper has enrolled in summer school and for the next 6 weeks is taking Hip Hop classes..... this could be interesting!!


  1. She looks like such a grown up in her costume!

  2. I know! I have to admit I was a bit emotional on concert day. She had to be dropped off 2 hours early for the dress rehearsal and I was adamant I was staying with her, she is only a baby after all. While I was arguing with one of the teachers about this Piper turned to me and said "wait out here mumma, I will come check on you soon".... so apparently she is all grown-up and I was the baby!


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